The Dutch Book in the Media

The Dutch version of the book ('Het Grote Depri Doe-Boek') has featured frequently in the media, which I think is pretty amazing! I really believe we should all be more open and speak out more about mental challenges, such as burnout and depression, and the strategies, tools and tactics that can support a recovery.
Selection of articles and items in various media:
'Mijn Geheim' (Printed media):

'Psychologie Magazine' (Printed Media):

'Telegraaf' (national newspaper):

'VROUW' (Printed Media):

3FM (Mark en Ramon - 7 minute interview) (National Radio, in Dutch)
'FLAIR' (Interview and front page) (Printed Magazine):

On Blue Monday, the book was featured by dozens of media outlets, including national and regional newspapers, television shows and national radio.