Frequently Asked Questions (and answers):

Is the book also suitable for children/young people?
Although I wrote it for my 35-year-old self, the past few years have shown me that it can also benefit younger people. MIND Young Studio, the authority on young people’s mental health in the Netherlands, reviewed the book and gave it a … 10 (out of 10)!

I know that the book is being used by 15-16 years old and that some youth therapists use the book (or parts of it) in their practice. If in doubt, watch the videos on the homepage or sign up for the newsletter, and you will immediately receive the first 20 pages of the book by email for free!


What about older people?
The oldest reader I know of is 86 years old. She read the book with her daughter. It's never too late to feel better! So far, the readers have ranged in age from 12 to 86 – with a large number aged between 20 and 30. I also know quite a few people in their 50s and 60s who really like the book. Visual language knows no age!


I want to give the book as a gift, but I don't know if it will be appreciated.
I understand why you’re worried and that the person you want to give it to is going through a tough time. I can only speak for myself, but I wish someone had given me this book when I was facing a difficult time. Often, what matters is that you let people know you’d really like to be able to help. You could give it as a gift and simply say 'I don't know if this is what you want, but I’m thinking of you and I care about you a great deal, and I want you to feel better'. That in itself will mean a great deal.


I feel really bad. Is this book for me?
You poor thing, I’m really sorry to hear that. Remember that you’re not alone: I've been through the same situation myself. This book is definitely for you! However, it isn’t intended to be a substitute for a great psychologist or coach you can talk to. I also mention this in the book: asking for professional help was one of the first steps I had to take. Your GP can refer you, and you can also approach your national mental health organisation for professional, psychological and psychosocial help.

National mental health organisations: (Australia) (Netherlands) (UK) (USA) 
Others: Find a Helpline.

I'm not depressed but I'm not feeling well. Is this book for me?
Of course! I often receive enthusiastic reactions to the book from people who use it to deal with unpleasant feelings. The book really helps them to feel better! Even friends and colleagues who feel good about themselves have drawn inspiration from it. In short: if it appeals to you, read it! 


I have PTSD / long-term depression / am an HSP. Is this book for me...

People ask me if is this book is also for them because they are highly sensitive or have a diagnosis of PTSD, long-term depression, autism ADHD. And although every individual is different and feels differently: if the book appeals to you, then it’s right for you! I made the book for myself (I’ve had depression, anxiety, burnout - all the labels) but I discovered that following many of the same principles can improve your mental health no matter what you 'have'. There are thousands of people today who are living with recurring (multiple forms of) depression, PTSD, autism, trauma or high sensitivity. Some of them send me really sweet messages and thanks because the book works. Finally, a word from the professionals: the book is recommended and used by psychologists, the MIND Foundation (the institute for mental health in the Netherlands) recommended the book to its 130,000 members, the book has also been recommended by DSM meisjes (a Dutch mental health blog), and it received 10 points (out of 10!) from HooggevoeligHeelGewoon (a Dutch association for high sensitivity). And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

What matters most is you, and how you feel. If you want to read how to accept what you're in, find structure, make a contingency plan and slowly recover - know that this book is for you and is full of hope, confidence and love. Because one thing I know for sure: you are not alone. We do it together. If you’re still unsure, take a look at the videos about the book on the homepage of, or sign up for the newsletter and receive the first 20 pages of the book by email immediately for free!


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